Ciências da Saúde

Screening; Cancer; Gynecology and Obstetrics

Ultimas formações
2014 - 2016     Pós-Doutor(a), Centre International de Recherche sur le Cancer
Atividades de Pesquisa

Projects Ongoing:

Evaluation of the methylation profile of SOX1 and PAX1 genes in women with cervical cancer as a function of therapeutic response and survival

Indoors health survey of the population of Campinas (ISACamp-2022)

Evaluation of cervical cancer screening with DNA-HPV test in the city of Indaiatuba

Effects of progressive resistance exercise associated with photobiomodulation in the prevention of lymphedema secondary to breast cancer treatment

Assessment of care, epidemiological, clinical and radiological factors of women diagnosed with breast cancer in Campinas and metropolitan region

Prevalence of cytological changes in cervical cancer screening tests in indigenous populations of the Brazilian Amazon

Factors related to late diagnosis of cervical cancer

Survival assessment of women with vulvar cancer

Survival assessment of women with cervical adenocarcinoma as a function of histological sub-types

Assessment of quality of life and physical-functional changes in the late postoperative period of women with breast cancer, as a function of type of surgery performed

HPV-test, Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Public Health, Screening
Palavras-chave (lattes)
Resumo Lattes
Professora Livre Docente do Departamento de Tocoginecologia da Unicamp, e de seu Programa de Pós-graduação (CAPES 7). Pós-doutorado na Agência Internacional de Pesquisa em Câncer (IARC/WHO-Lyon/FRA). Membro Titular do Comitê Diretor (Steering Committee) da Comunidade Internacional de Rastreamento de Câncer (ICSN). Atua em temas relacionados às Patologias do Trato Genital Inferior, Epidemiologia do Câncer Ginecológico e Mamário e Saúde Pública.
Inglês Compreende Bem , Fala Bem , Lê Bem , Escreve Bem
Espanhol Compreende Bem , Fala Pouco , Lê Bem , Escreve Pouco
Francês Compreende Razoavelmente , Fala Razoavelmente , Lê Razoavelmente , Escreve Pouco
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